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Monday, March 30, 2009

" You are the one who shines my life. "

Dear You,

I am writing to you to say that I appreciate all the things that you did for me. Really. Although you swing my hands around and mess up my hair ( which I dont mind ), I know that deep down inside your heart, you are trying your best to cheer me up when I am down.

Thank you for being there for me. I treasure the times with you, a lot. You were always there for me whenever I needed you. & I'm truly sorry that I stalled your time to go home. I just couldn't bear to leave you and spend so long to not being able to see you right in front of my eyes.

Thank you for allowing me to accompany you home. To me, this has always been the best part of the day. It's like the only time where I get to spend time with you the most. Just the two of us. Me and You. & It is also the time of the day where I look forward to the most. So try not to stop me from sending you, please? :D

Lastly, thank you for allowing me to love you and for you to love me back. Thank you so much. For everything. I love you so much. And yeah, i think i've repeated a few phrases a couple of time, this is because I want you to remember all these things i said to you. Because I mean it. I love you so much, and I forever will.

With love,

Ri <3

I eat yooh 10:36 PM

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

" You are my everything. "

Dear You,

This time, I am writing to tell you that I love you so much. I appreciate what you have done to me, really. Whenever I think about all the wonderful memories that we spent together, my heart starts to tingle and my eyes would get teary. Tears of joy, I must say.

I really appreciate everything that you have done; Trying to reconnect back to the internet many times after disconnections just to chat with me. Being there to show me the thumb whenever I show a straight face and making me smile. Being there to wish me goodluck for my tests. Wishing me goodnight everyday before going to sleep. and most importantly, thank you for loving me back.

If I were given the chance to make you happy all the time, I would seize it. But I know, I am just human. However, I will try my best to turn a frown to a smile. I love it when you smile, you knowwwwwww. Sooo preety! Hehe.

I love you so much, I really do. Nothing will ever change that. You mean a lot to me, love. My love for you will never fade, never.

With love,

Ri <3

I eat yooh 10:58 PM

Sunday, March 15, 2009

" You make me happy, whether you know it or not. "

Dear you,

I am writing to tell you that you mean everything to me. And I mean what I say. To me, you are the most beautiful person I've ever met. I love everything about you, from your eyes to your smile and of course, you. When I spend time with you, I don't want it to end, how i'd wish time would just stop and allow us to be together for a longer time.

You've got to remember this, love. I'm there for you, no matter what. When things seem kind of dark and harsh, I'll be there to tell you to take it easy and ensure that everything is going to be fine. I treasure what we had and what we are having and i'll also treasure what we are going to have. I don't mind what people might say about us, I love you and you love me. That's what matters.

You are the reason why I would want to smile every single day. Without you, I think my life would be kind of dull and simple. You've taught me what it is like to be in this different world. Thank you.

You. I love you. Much much more than you can ever imagine. And I don't want this love to end, really. and I've never regretted the decision I made on the 6th.

Together, Forever, Me, You. I love you so much, my princess.

With love,

________Ri <3

I eat yooh 4:10 PM


Khairi Yahya
Finding Peace.


Why is there so much hate?

Lah Loh Leh


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