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Saturday, August 25, 2007

CAs are kinda over,
I think its kinda alright uh.
And the holidays are coming !
I booked the whole week baybeh~
Most probably will be outta singapore.

that should be all,
and Puasa is coming soon!

Till next time,

( Ok, I've posted :D )

I eat yooh 5:44 PM

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

This morning was the Cross-Country Run.
Went out of house at 7 to meet Nabil.
Saw Asyraf first.
Then after a 10cent call,
Nabil arrived.

After arrived at Pasir Ris,
Saw Yassar.
Then we saw some of the girls.
Went to 7-11 first to buy Pepsi.

After a long walk,
finally reached.
We lined up,
and each got a coloured tag,
I think i was 168.

Since it was a sunny day,
I, Yassar and some other people walked and strolled.
Ewah Nabil, laju tol kau lari eh. Takpe, nanti kau.

Okay, after about 45 mins or more/less,
finally reached the end.
Top 400 ! Woo!
I'm proud of my achievements.

After that, went to White Sands.
Ate at KFC.
Then I went home.

Don't think like that.
That is who I am.
Only those who know me very well will know.
I don't know how to say what I'm going to say.
And believe me, its not regarding food.

I eat yooh 10:42 PM

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Today had the Jom Jalan Jalan thing.
My group consist of me, Nabil, Zakiah and Izza.
Izza was kinda unwell today.

At first, we need to fold like Sireh dara.
Need to make 8.
After that the Cabaran Bonanza.
Nabil was supposed to chew on a sireh
but then, the ingredients were not there.

After that, we went to the next station.
Went outside of the general office.
Syimah was taking care of that station.
Need to do the sajak?
Heh, we got alot of mistakes.

After that was that I need to wear " Makcik's " clothes
and pose !
After that the Cabaran Bonanza was that i need to
wear it for the whole event -.-

There were a total of 10 stations?
Wah, very hot lah wear those clothes.
Almost fainted, muahah.
but never ah xD
( at least i never wear make up )

Ended about 5+.
Took a group pic first.

After that went home.
Took MRT with Johan.
The rest took bus.
He wanted to go popular uh.

After that, took 39 strait home.
Thats all now, folks!

Tomorrow Cross-Country Run. Darn !

I eat yooh 7:00 PM

Friday, August 03, 2007

Alright, today was okay uh.

It was iPW at first.
We had to finish the comic strip but ours was done a week ago. muahah
So, my group went to clean up the class.

After that was Lit.
Miss Nurul gave out Kit Kat and lollipops.
Very fun uh.
I " took care " of a packet of lollipop.
Even though i sit near the teacher's table,
I got my lollipop second last -.-
And at the start of the lesson, i pinned up my hair xD
( Thank you Izza for lending me for awhile xD. Must give credit (: )

After going to prayers,
Went to Npcc.
Did a few drills.
Learnt how to march.
Then, was PoP.
And furthermore,
It was a hot day.
I didn't drink much before that.
So halfway during PoP,
Everything turned white and
my ears were like " berdengung "
Then fall out.
Went to canteen,
Miss Soh bought me mineral water.
After that, Sir Zul told me to fall in back.
At least i tahan until the end of parade.

After that was debrief.
Wah, before keluar baris,
I nearly fainted again.
Even though i was dizzy then,
I still managed to keluar baris properly you noe,
You donnoe nevermind. I know myself enough. heh (:

After that rushed to drink some water and changed.
Then off to buffet.
The food was quite tasty uh.

After that, went home.

Darn it ! I just needed 50 cents more just now ):

I eat yooh 8:51 PM


Khairi Yahya
Finding Peace.


Why is there so much hate?

Lah Loh Leh


Who wants to be linked?