Sunday, July 29, 2007
I'm not going to post for some time uh,
Its not that i busy or anything.
Just lazy.
Take care, all !
" Can show me a demo on pumping ? "
" Ok. Heeeyaaaahh. One ! Thats enough for a week. "
Sunday, July 22, 2007
It sure has been quite awhile since I posted, yeah?
So things are okay this week.
Yesterday got my exam paper back for Tauhid and Fiqeh.
Got 48/50.
Darn it,
Just 2 marks more.
And after that I went to buy Transformers:The Game for my PS2.
Then after playing untill like 7?
Went to my cousins' house at 8.
My dad wanna discuss about the 8 Minutes show.
I just went to my cousin's room and just sit on the bed.
After about 10 or 11 like that,
Things were really getting boring.
So, I went to throw a pillow at my cousin.
And then, she throw back.
So continueous.
After that, everyone in that room were starting to sneeze.
After that, I decided to stop.
Since nothing to do,
I started to talk about ALOT of things; GST, income tax
Bored ahh,
Then at 12, i lied down.
Then zzz..
At about 12.05 my mom woke me up to go home.
So yea..
Taxi fare is 85cents extra. -.-
Till next time ahh,
I wanna do my homework (;
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Alright today was great.
The gasing part where i was not sure of,
turned out preety well. :)
The schools participated were Pasir Ris, Junyuan, Ngee An, Tampines, Dunman and Springfield.
At first was the sepak takraw.
Arif went first.
I thought actually only one had to go.
But actually its more to a take turns basis.
I did only 22. :
Arif did 40+ ?
Okay, next was gasing.
Luqman replaced Zakiah.
I went last.
Whoa, the pressure.
I saw everyone's gasing was near to them.
I threw it far far away xD
but it kept on spinning !
First time, heyhey
Next was congkak and simban.
Heh, someone replaced me as I went to the toilet.
The toilet had technical fault -.-
Turn on the pipe and the water was shooting upwards.
So, part of my PE shirt was wet.
When I returned from the toilet,
the event had started.
So, yeah.
Next, we went to the track to play " group " games.
First was Tapak Gajah.
Its like walking on the shell of a coconut.
The shell was too small for my feet !
So I ended up tip-toe-ing
and I think I went faster than someone who was already half-way.
So that event we went first.
After that was Larian Guni.
My shoes were already red in colour due to the track.
I decided not to play and relax for awhile.
Someone took over me.
Skipping some parts,
In the end was Rebut Negeri ( Tug-of-war )
During the event, we only lost to Junyuan.
We had an unofficial game with the TPJC students.
We won the first round.
But we lost the rematch.
I felt the kain supporting me slipped so I and Arif flew infront.
Then, off to go home to take my madrasah items.
Ahha, Section A,B and C of my written paper i got full marks.
Since they watched VCD there and there is no lesson,
I decided to get some shut eye cause really tired ah.
So, once again,
Today was great :)
Thursday, July 12, 2007

It looks kinda fake right? Look again
Heres a few pictures of a trick i learnt years ago uh. Kinda Lame. ahha
Many things had happened this week.
Monday had HMT supplementary where we had to make like stories which we have a short time to write and then other groups will continue.
Tuesday had Grooming Course. It was quite basic actually. I remembered when at break time, Syafie said, " Coach Susu Best ! " xD
Wednesday, ahha, this day, no need to go to school but had to do this asknlaern thingy. Then off to TPJC for the Permainan Budaya Melayu? briefing. Was quite ok ah. I still don't get the gasing thingy. Seems easy but actually quite hard ah. Rebut Negeri ( Tug-of-war ) was the best.
Thursday, today, went to East Point to do the Malay Project. Met Nabil first at Banquet. Then Danial. Finally, Ricky. Wanted to use my dad's camera but then forgot to charged it and Nabil's phone never charge too. So, ya. Had to use my handphone. Then, off to watch Harry Potter and The Order of The Pheonix. It was quite nice actually. The ending when The Minister said that " You know who " has returned, Ricky shouted " Stoo-pid ! " ahha. Then i told ricky when Harry said something like " He does not have something that we are fighting for " I told Ricky that Voldermort doesnt have my 10cents. eheheh
Well thats all so far, Saturday's then the Competition. (:
Friday, July 06, 2007
Been Lazy to post lately,
So things went kinda well at school,
I had my speech just now after Azreena?
I dunnoe, It should have been on Monday I think,
Oh Well,
Its 120cm long.
About Gleise 581 c
Its quite amazing, really.
Hah, I remembered my hands and knees shaking while
giving the talk.
Well, now i feel satisfied as I had given my best doing that talk xD
Ok then, Now I need to go study for my Exams tomorrow,
Written Exams x.x
Oral i had full marks ^^